About “Hacia La Luz”

This album deals with themes of failure, regret, loss, pain, anguish, and depression. It’s a slow crescendo toward becoming compassionate toward yourself, finding peace, learning to enjoy life, and experiencing the adventure of love.  

“Toxología” is an admission of failure. It’s when you realize that the house of cards you have built has fallen, and you must come to grips with it. We create comfortable and enjoyable bubbles to live in, insulating us from pain, suffering, disappointment, and reality. These bubbles may be bad habits, toxic relationships, ideologies, religion, and traditions. “Toxología” deals with the consequences of bursting the bubble and facing reality. It’s when you realize you no longer need the bubble to enjoy life and can meet all of life's challenges head-on. Although you like being in the bubble, it’s poisoning you, and you don’t need it. 

“Hacia La Luz” deals with the aftermath of coming out of the bubble and coming to grips with reality. It doesn’t take long to realize that not everyone you call a friend is a friend. Shadows posing as angels of light are a constant in life, causing distractions and bringing you down. As the panic of torment sets in, the only solution is to run toward the light. Making a conscious and decisive decision to reject all forms of darkness, negativity, and cynicism toward life is the beginning of finding peace. “Hacia La Luz” begs the question, how is all that negativity working for you? Head toward the light!

“Vívela” reveals the potential that life has to become worth living. Life is sacred, blessed, and given by God. When given a fresh perspective, there is tremendous potential in living an extraordinary life. Pain and suffering aren’t going away. Failure will always be abundant, but all hope is NOT lost. “Vívela” screams, forgive yourself, feel the pain, and become fearless because life is worth living. What makes life worth living? The risk found in the adventure of loving and being loved.

This album is helping me deal with the ups and downs of life, and I hope it does the same for you!